How Donations Are Used

 We are appreciative of any amount you are able to donate. You can donate to CharityMobi General Fund to keep our operations running or to our International Relief Fund to support our international efforts, or the US Disaster Relief Fund for Special Needs Children.

General Fund

International Relief Fund


Your donations to the International Relief Fund provide relief aid supplies; and direct emergency aid for children. We specifically provide electronic medical record systems and microchip health records and telemedicne for missionary physicians and medical clinics that treat children in foreign countries.  

US Disaster Relief Fund

Your donations to the US Disaster Relief Fund provide relief aid supplies; and provide emergency aid for U.S. special needs children in disasters. Your donations provide electronic medical records to save children's lives. 

  • US Disaster funds support the bulk purchase and delivery of MobiEHR® microchip health ID cards directly to US  relief aid organizations, relief aid physicians, orphanages, and also directly to registered medically needy and disadvantaged children for the documentation of their medical records.
  • US Disaster  Funds provide the logistics and delivery charges for the delivery of relief aid to special needs children in US Disasters. Donors are provided reports and the "living proof" that their donations provide lifesaving changes in the health status of special needs children we serve.  We provide " living proof" that donor contributions help U.S. children to achieve their 2105 WHO Millennium World Health Goals.


CharityMobi Raffle - Merchant Bank Account

Purchase of a Raffle Ticket is not a charitable donation.

CharityMobi maintains an on-line CharityMobi Raffle -Merchant Bank Account for the electronic deposit of credit/debit card merchant credits for the purchase of raffle tickets. All deposits of checks or cash received for the purchase of raffle tickets shall be deposited into the CharityMobi Raffle -Merchant Bank Account. The proceeds from each raffle ticket purchase shall always be deposited into the restricted use CharityMobi Raffle Account.

Raffle expenses shall be paid from the CharityMobi Raffle Account only. The budget for Raffle Expenses shall be authorized by the Board of Directors of CharityMobi. All proceeds after expenses from the CharityMobi Mercedes Raffle shall be used for US Disaster Relief for Special Needs children only.

Raffle Accounting and Reporting

All Raffle accounting records shall be publicly available upon request. Final accounting records and reports shall be provided directly to the Fulton County Sheriff on or before April 15th, 2016, as required by the Raffle License Rules of Fulton County, Georgia, and the Secretary of State of Georgia. Fulton County Sheriff is responsible for providing annual oversight of such records, and approval, if any requested, for the renewal of the CharityMobi Raffle License annually. Accounting for the charitable use of all proceeds of Raffle shall document that the funds have been used for the purpose intended, for the relief aid mission. The official tax record for the Raffle shall be reported in the CharityMobi 2015 990 Tax Form as shall be filled with United States Internal Revenue Service, as required.

Learn more about the Mercedes Raffle

CharityMobi. Inc. 1675 Chevron Way, STE 1 Sandy Springs, Goergia 30350 Tel: (770) 912-9333 Skype: charitymobi Youtube | Twitter | Facebook