
International Relief Fund

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CharityMobi is seeking funds to implement a Nutritional Health Monitoring and Malnutrition Recovery Project for Children less than 5 years old in the Nyabihu Health District in Rwanda, Africa.

In Rwanda, the prevalence of chronic malnutrition (indicated by stunting) among children between six months and five years is 43% and has remained ‘very high’ in Rwanda over the last 20 years. The prevalence of underweight, which reflects both chronic and acute malnutrition, is ‘poor’ (12%).  In Nyabihu Health District 51% of children suffer with malnutrition, and 38% from anemia. Respiratory diseases such as pneumonia are a major health risk and a cause of death for small infants, as well as diahrea and de-hydration. Mothers must immediately seek health care for a sick baby. (MUAC).


Women waiting for health care services for their sick children.

 The MobiEHR ® Health ID is a personal electronic medical record that is provided in a microchip card. We will use this MobiEHR ® card to conduct and document the research for the project. The MobiEHR ® system will be used to document ICD-10 medical care provided for the children in district health clinics and continue to be used to track nutritional examinations, medical care and disease management for the malnourished child until their 18th birthday.

 MobiEHR ® Health-ID card


CharityMobi is currently raising funds to implement the Nutrition Treatment and Recovery Program in ten dispensaries in Nyabihu Health District Rwanda. The clinics will select children with severe malnutrition, anemia; and those new born babies and infants that suffer from malnutrition, and Moms with breast feeding problems. Each clininc wil select 1000 children to participate in the program, each child will be selected by clinic staff. The medical treatment and nutritional recovery will be tracked.

We are currently seeking an NGO with exisiting staff in the Nyabihu Health District to assist CharityMobi by providing community health workers to help with this project. NGO Community health workers will help to promote the program. Each Mother wil be issued a MobiEHR Health Id card for her child. Each Mother will be responsible for her child's recovery from malnutrition. Mothers will work in concert with the Nyabihu Health District Clinics during the project, learning how to track thier child's weight, how to watch a child's growth chart, how to watch a childs recovery by seeing progress in anemia blood tests,  and also participating to watch the middle upper arm measurements increase as a progress indicator for rehabilitation of thier child. We want Community Health Workers to celebrate progress and encourage Mothers.

Child health records will be updated each time a child visits a Nyabihu Health District clinic that has been provided the electronic medical records computer, the MobiEHR® Clinic set -up box, and MobiEHR® Health ID Microchip Health Card stock. Health records will be updated on the MobiEHR® Health ID Cards. Mothers will keep these cards for thier chidlren. The cards are permanent health record cards that can ne unpdated. The Health Ministry of Rwanda will be provided reports via the MobiEHR® “on-line”- real-time” malnutrition treatment and recovery reporting software; including providing reports to define progress in meeting “actionable” world health goals.

Joel Nsengiyumva is the Executive Administrator for Africa for CharityMobi. He is a citizen of Rwanda living in the US. He is a seasoned African Executive where he has twelve years of management experience in working for grass roots Non-Governmental Organizations providing program Management of NGO programs in multiple African countries. He speaks Kinyarwanda, English, French ,Swahili. and Kiswahili.

CharityMobi. Inc. 1675 Chevron Way, STE 1 Sandy Springs, Goergia 30350 Tel: (770) 912-9333 Skype: charitymobi Youtube | Twitter | Facebook