CharityMobi is raising funds to implement a International Relief project to serve medically needy children in a rural area - Essikado, Ghana. We are working with a local Cathoic Priest that presently serves the children. Father Anthony Eschund will be responsible for the receipt and deployment of medical supplies. He will be rsponsible for securing medical realeases to gather health information to evaluate and recommend the most medically needy childrne that need services in Essikado. Our intent is to setup communications for telemedicine as there is no local pediatrician to serve the children. Children in Essikado are medicaly needy and living in deep poverty, and the childrens' needs are great.
CharityMobi will provide one or more computers to implement an ectronic health record system in the village of Essikado. Each child's health records will be updated each time a child visits a health care provider that has been provided the registration computer, the MobiEHR® Clinic set -up box, and CharityMobi - MobiEHR® Health ID Microchip Cards. Health records will be updated on the MobiEHR® Health ID Microchip Card